A safe place for all!

A word from: 
Jim Thomas

Youth focused ministry should be “a safe place for all”.  Your students should feel welcome and like part of a community of people looking to learn and grow.


Whether they are new to the faith, or have a long standing relationship with Christ, they will have a place to experience God’s love. 


It’s important that students are discipled and mentored.  Youth need the opportunit to take ownership of their own Spiritual walk and understand the the “why's” of faith.


Your youth will have a great support community as they move beyond the youth ministry into adulthood. 



  1. LifePoint Students is for youth from 6th grade to 12th grade.  Youth have different discussions and different challenges from grade to grade, so small groups and tailored discussions are held to meet this need.
  2. Weekly groups consist of games and activities, snacks, and in-depth, targeted Bible Study
  3. Weekly groups are held on Sunday evenings from 6 PM to 8 PM for Senior High and Wednesday evenings from 6 PM to 7:30 PM for Junior High here at the church.

That's not all...

More Gatherings

Monthly outings, special events and games, and seasonal retreats are just a few of the additional opporunties for students to gather and grow.  There is almost always something on the calendar for students to get excited about.  Laser Tag, Zip Lines, Meaningful getaways....opportunity is everywhere!

More Connection

Students connect when the gather together; but they also connect when the work together.  Youth are given opportunities to help with specific ministry initiatives; not just at the LifePoint Student ministry level;  but also at the level of the church at large.  This allows them to connect with different age groups and levels of spiritual maturity.

More Service

Mission trips and service opportunities are always right around the corner.  Chances to love the unloved; be generous to the hurting and comforting to the hopeless help shape the mindset of both youth and adults.  It's true what they say; people don't care what you know until they know you care.

Are You A Regular Attender at LifePoint and Want to Volunteer with LifePoint Students?

Use the Following Links to Get Started on the Backgrounds Checks You'll Need!



Have Questions? Need Help?

Contact the Church Office at [email protected]!